GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife): Update 7.7.0

Heute haben die Entwickler von GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife) eine neue Version veröffentlicht.

  GSAK now fully converted to use SQLite as the underlying database engine (more information)
   Added Filter, HTML, and macro support for "cache attributes"
   Added new grid display columns "Row Number", "Hints", and "Url"
   Added ability to rename column headings
   Added Mfilter (Where) to search bar
   Added option to "Tools=>Options=>Display" to suppress tool tips 
   Added available tool buttons for GSAK folder finder, and Polygon drawing tool
   Added option to GPX export to include alternate Latitude and Longitude in log text
   "Waypoint=>Project", added option to create/update corrected coordinates
Macro manager – added right mouse click menu option "Resync this macro"
   Added support for signal the frog smileys (more information)
   Added Title= to all GSAK static html images so tips (when you hover your mouse over the image) should now show in Firefox browser
   Added "attributes" to Database=>Totals
   Added option to compact the databse from Database=>Totals
   Added % space unused to Database=>Totals
   "File=>Export=>GPX" now removes invalid XML characters before output
   Child flags are now save/restored on loading of GPX files (more information)
   Added GUI multi column sorting  (more information)
   User Sort can now accept up to 18 digits
   Changed "Load CacheMate logs and finds" to update user sort with YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
   Added HTML entity decode option to GPX load (more information)
   Added support for bbcode color "white"
   Updated internal version of Sqlite to 3.6.21

Für mich ist GSAK ein nützliches Tool um meine Cacheaktivitäten zu organisieren. Auch wenn es immer wieder Kritiken gibt, das man das Programm nach 21 Tagen kaufen muss, habe ich es bisher noch nicht bereut die 25$ bezahlt zu haben.

Durch die Erweiterungen mit Macros kann man das Programm um viele Funktionen erweitern, die für Statistiken und Auswertungen nötig sind.

Welche Programme nutzt Ihr?

GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife) 7.7.0

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