Garmin Oregon 550 – Firmware update 4.49

In den letzten Wochen habe ich mich immer wieder darüber gewundert, warum sich der Garmin nicht mehr meldet, wenn ich am Wegpunkt angekommen bin.

Heute hat nun Garmin eine neue Firmware zur Verfügung gestellt, die dieses Problem fixen soll.

Es handelt sich noch um eine Beta-Firmware.

Changes made from version 4.47 to 4.49:
  • Fixed issues relating to WAAS performance.
  • Fixed issue where the device would not regain a GPS signal after losing the GPS signal in a tunnel.
  • Fixed shutdown on the map screen when a waypoint was being moved to the same location as a geocache or other POIs.
  • Fixed an issue where the enabled/disabled option for custom maps could not be changed when two or more BirdsEye™ Satellite Imagery providers were on the device.
  • Fixed an issue where the device would not beep when approaching a destination while routing off-road.


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