Garmin Oregon/Dakota: Beta – Firmwareupdate

Aktuell hat Garmin eine neue Firmware für die Oregon- und Dakota-Geräte zur Verfügung gestellt.


Oregon x50:
Changes made from version 3.50 to 3.51:
* Added brightness adjustments for BirdsEye imagery.
* Improved WAAS performance.
* Improved speed, trip odometer, and stopped/moving time data fields while in low velocity.
* Fixed issue with map POI’s showing twice for a single point.
* Fixed elevation profiles to always use the most detailed DEM data loaded.
* Fixed future plot with tracks that have no elevations in them.
* Fixed issue with calculator % function.

Oregon x00:
Changes made from version 3.80 to 3.81:
* Added brightness adjustments for BirdsEye imagery.
* Improved WAAS performance.
* Improved speed, trip odometer, and stopped/moving time data fields while in low velocity.
* Fixed issue with map POI’s showing twice for a single point.
* Fixed elevation profiles to always use the most detailed DEM data loaded.
* Fixed issue with calculator % function.



Changes made from version 3.10 to 3.11:

    Added brightness adjustments for BirdsEye imagery.
    Improved WAAS performance.
    Improved speed, trip odometer, and stopped/moving time data fields while in low velocity.
    Fixed issue with map POI’s showing twice for a single point.
    Fixed elevation profiles to always use the most detailed DEM data loaded.
    Fixed future plot with tracks that have no elevations in them.
    Fixed issue with calculator % function.


Wie man hier im Forum nachlesen kann, hat sich scheinbar auch die GPS-Genauigkeit erhöht, was mich natürlich sehr freut, denn in den letzten Wochen ist mir Aufgefallen, dass die Genauigkeit etwas zu wünschen übrig gelassen hat.

Kann das jemand bestätigen?


Download Dakota
Download Oregon x00
Download Oregon X50

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