Plesk 8.2.0 Update vorhanden

Für die Komponenten Base packages of Plesk und German language pack stehen seit einigen Tagen Updates zur Verfügung.
Die Installation verlief Problemlos.

Plesk v8.2.0 build82070807.17 for SuSE-10.1 i386 Release Notes

# Kaspersky Antivirus Module for Plesk
Plesk 8.2 now comes with Kaspersky Antivirus solution, which allows scanning mail traffic and filtering specific types of attachments. Kaspersky Antivirus is highly customizable and efficient

# New Auto-installer 3.2.0
The new version of Plesk Auto-installer offers improved error reporting and RedHat up2date support.

# New site applications format
The new site applications format is open and can be used by individual software developers, ISV and HSP for packaging their own applications. It makes Plesk a platform on SaaS market. Plesk delivers a number of site applications in new format and keeps supporting old format applications for a while.

# Sitebuilder Administration Module v. 4.0
Plesk comes with the new Sitebuilder Administration module which allows Plesk control panel users to manage Web sites in the latest version of Sitebuilder.

# Upgrade of Horde and its components
Horde and its components that come with Plesk were upgraded to the latest stable versions.

# Custom sources for operating system updates can be specified through command line utilities
Now it is possible to specify through Plesk’s command line utilities the repositories that Plesk must use for updating and upgrading operating system components.

# Server administrator can force addition of a prefix to database names
Server administrator can force addition of clients‘ names to the beginning of database names.

# Piping Web server logs
Now server administrators who host numerous Web sites (more than 300) can enable log piping to ensure stability of hosting services.

# Upgrade of Ruby and its components
Ruby and its components that come with Plesk were upgraded to the latest stable versions.

# Bugfixes
A lot of major and minor bugs were fixed.


3 Gedanken zu „Plesk 8.2.0 Update vorhanden

  1. Klar, überhaupt kein Problem.
    Allerdings mache ich mir nicht die Mühe, ein .rpm bzb .sh daraus zu basteln, wenngleich ich die Tools dafür habe. Der Import ist aber auch manuell ganz leicht:

    Die beiden deutschen Sprachdateien befinden sich unter /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/locales/de-DE und lassen sich dort problemlos hinkopieren. Dieses Verzeichnis gilt aber nur für Plesk selbst. Die Sprachdateien für die diversen Module (z. B. Watchdog) befinden sich an anderer Stelle.


  2. Das deutsche Language Pack ist leider immer noch nicht wieder fehlerfrei – dabei war es das mal. Leider kenne ich auch die Gründe dafür.
    Sollte Interesse an „generalüberholten“ Sprachdateien bestehen, bitte hier posten.


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