Forerunner 305 – Update 2.70

Seit dem 06.Juni bietet Garmin wieder ein neues Firmware Update für den Forerunner 305 an.

Changes made from version 2.60 to 2.70:

* Updated translations.
* Added Slovakian and Slovenian languages.
* Fixed problem that would occasionally cause GPS Chipset version to go to 0.00 when updating from some computers.
* Fixed problem where scheduled workouts could appear on the wrong day in some time zones.
* Fixed problem where the select sport pop-up box would not go away if selecting the same sport as before.
* Fixed problem where the zones type pop-up box on the heart rate zones setup page would not go away if selecting the same setting as before or pressing the mode key.
* Fixed problem where the history for the current sport was sometimes not displayed correctly when creating a course.
* Fixed problem where a quick workout could be created with a distance that exceeds the maximum allowed distance of 40 miles or 64.37 km.

Download der Firmware 2.70 hier
Das Update verlief bei mir ohne weiter Komplikationen

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