Forerunner 305 – Update 2.60

Garmin hat ein neues Update für den Forerunner 305 released.
Die Version 2.60 bietet neue Funktionen und behebung von Problemen.
Benutzer des Garmin Trainingscenters müssen ebenfalls ein Upgrade durchführen.

Änderungen in der Version 2.60:

* Added support for New Leaf Fitness data.
* Updated Daylight Saving Time for new start and end date in the U.S. and Canada.
* Added new time zones for Mexico.
* Improved too slow/low and too fast/high alarm tones to be more distinguishable.
* Improved timing of alarm tones.
* Added feature to alert user when they are back in the desired zone of a workout after being out of it.
* Added feature to snooze alarms for three minutes or until the next step of a workout (whichever comes first) if the mode and enter keys are pressed simultaneously immediately after an alarm sounds.
* Updated Auto Lap By Position so that when following a Course, laps are also triggered based on all lap positions from the original activity.
* Improved handling of Courses containing an out and back segment or a loop.
* Improved auto zoom on the Course elevation profile page to scale the y-axis along with the x-axis.
* Changed compass page display to show distance and time to destination rather than to next.
* Fixed problem where communication with GSC10 sensor could stop after pausing for more than a few minutes in the middle of an activity.
* Fixed problem with cadence and pace/speed alerts sometimes not working correctly.
* Fixed problem with calories being added incorrectly if viewing totals by week.
* Fixed problem with paused distance not being calculated correctly.
* Fixed problem where trackpoints might not be dropped correctly during an indoor workout if foot pod is enabled as an accessory but is not being used.
* Fixed problem where advanced workout could be saved incorrectly after a step is deleted.
* Fixed problem that could occur when viewing workouts by date if the workouts had long names.
* Fixed problem where alarms might not sound correctly during an advanced workout step if the target low and high values for that step were transferred in backwards.
* Fixed problem where workout steps that have a duration of 0 time or distance wouldn’t end until the user pressed lap to go to the next step.
* Fixed problem where unit could store incorrect stopwatch time if powered down while the timer was Auto Paused.

Download der neuen Firmware
Download des neuen Trainingscenters

Auch für den Forerunner 205,301,201 gibt es ein neues Update

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